5 Online Platforms to Learn DIY

As the coronavirus pandemic is raging, DIY projects are thriving like never before. While participating in do-it-yourself projects cannot be a substitute for spending quality time with close friends and family members, it may benefit us in other ways.

Do-it-yourself or DIY is not a new concept, humans have since past centuries made things with their own hands and well, it is on-trend once again. When the mass production of items came into play, there was a shift away from DIY and, subsequently, many of the skills involved in doing things, such as furniture painting, woodwork, and craft, were forgotten.

A reason why there has been a swing back towards DIY is that it makes us feel good. DIYs save us cash at times and can help us save the planet through recycling and upcycling. Making things yourself also gives one a sense of pride and defines their personal style. Along with this, it allows one to stand out from the crowd and decorate a home that is not like everyone else’s. To top it off, DIYs are a wonderful way to practice mindfulness, with new skills being learned when one undertakes a DIY project, and their time is spent in a ‘flow’.


As the coronavirus pandemic is raging, DIY projects are thriving like never before. While participating in do-it-yourself projects cannot be a substitute for spending quality time with close friends and family members, it may benefit us in other ways. Like improving our thinking, giving us a purpose, and fostering feelings of accomplishment.


We have compiled a list of top 5 platforms you can go to, to learn DIY:


Born out of the MIT Media Lab, Instructables has grown into a mainstream website with a devoted following who post their DIY creations.
Their DIY project focusses: Technologyplayoutsideworkshopfood, and living.Adding a bit of flair and competitive spirit to their DIY community, the site holds tons of contests centred around specific themes and invites their users to share their creations. Entries are first voted on by users and prize winners are selected by a panel of seasoned judges including Instructables staff and members of the community.  

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Repeatedly honoured as one of the best DIY sites on the Web, users come here to get expert advice on home improvement and repair projects.

Their DIY project focuses: Home and lifestyle, including car repair and personal finance. The site hosts extensive expert-led forums that support DIY makers in their crafty endeavours in addition to informative how-to articles from choosing a basic colour palette to repairing a leaky faucet.

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There are a lot of different pieces of software that one can learn over the past decade and they can all be learned through Lynda.com’s video tutorials. Their courses range from HTML website building, Final Cut Pro XMotion 5Adobe Premiere to Adobe Lightroom, and more. If you’re looking to learn a piece of creative software from scratch, there could be no better place to get started than on Lynda.com.

Vimeo Video School

Whether you are just getting started and want to go through their Video 101 series or are starting to get more advanced and want an introduction to Adobe Premiere, there are a ton of videos in the Vimeo Video School library to check out.

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Thinkific is a software platform that enables entrepreneurs to create, market, sell, and deliver their own online courses. Their mission is no less than to revolutionize the way people learn and earn online by giving them the tools they need to turn their expertise into a sustainable business that impacts both them and their audience.


The skills learned and practised while in quarantine are likely to leave behind ever-lasting rewards. Remember, when one is able to shift one’s thoughts, feelings and actions towards improving oneself and attempting new things in moments of crisis or stress, one is constructing coping skills and confidence. Essentially, you can grow as a person, which will be something that would most definitely help post-pandemic.

Pooja Bhatia

Content Team, Cograd

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